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Equipos de perforación subterránea y empernadores
Equipos de perforación subterránea y empernadores
Equipos de perforación de desarrollo
Tiro largo con martillo en cabeza
In-the-hole ITH
Sostenimiento de roca y refuerzo del terreno
Equipos de bajo perfil
Veta angosta
Reducción secundaria
Jumbos tuneleros
Scaler,Cargadores y camiones subterráneos
Scalers subterráneas
LHD/Cargador subterráneo
Camiones subterráneos
Rock drill/drifters
Boom-type Roadheader
Air slushers
Surface drill rigs
Surface Tophammer drill rigs
Suface DTH drill rigs
Dimensional stone drill rigs
Heat recovery steam generators
Small-medium Steam turbines
Orc screw expander generators
Steam screw expander generator
Air compressors
Stationary air compressors
Portable air compressors
Centrifugal Compressors
Gas compressors
Refrigeration Compressors
Vacuum Pumps
Deep hole drill rigs
180m ∅115-202mm f=6-20
250m ∅110-273mm f=8-12
450m ∅168-350mm f=8-12
1000m ∅500mm f=6-20
SMJR15 Narrow vein/Low profile drill rig
KJ211 Development/Narrow vein drill rig
KJ310 angle of dip or declination≤30°
KJ311 Hard Rock Development drill rig
KJ313 Telescopic feed development drill rig
KJ421 Two-boom electro-hydraulic jumbo
KS311 Tophammer longhole drill rig
Long-hole drilling rig
KSQ31 In-the-hole longhole drill rig
KM211 Rock support drill /bolting rig
KM311 Jumbo Empernador-Enmallador
Rock bolter
KJ212 Low profile mining drill rig
SMJRD19 Secondary breaking drill rig
SMJR338 electro-hydraulic tunnel jumbo
Suface tophammer drill rig
Surface DTH drill rig
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